"When the 2506 Assault Brigade - a force of U.S.-trained Cuban exiles - invaded Fidel Castro's Cuba in April 1961. Grayston L. Lynch was the CIA's case officer on the Brigade's command ship. He led the first combat team ashore, handled every communication between Washington and the beachhead, and spent three agonizing days at the battle's end rescuing survivors. Lynch believes the Kennedy administration betrayed the Brigade and covered up its contribution to the debacle. Decision for Disaster is his eyewitness account of what really happened. Based on Lynch's observations before during and after the battle, as well as on recently declassified information. It is an action-filled personal account of a historical watershed, the impact of which is still felt strongly today."--BOOK JACKET.Title Summary field provided by Blackwell North America, Inc. All Rights Reserved
The Civil War stories of one of America's most beloved writers are gathered in this single volume. The book includes Hospital Sketches, Alcott's fictionalized account of her service as a nurse.
An extraordinary and dramatic depiction of the legendary battle of Agincourt from the number one historical novelist
The rivalry of World War II strains the close bond between the American McGlynns family and the Japanese Todas family
From spies to ordinary heroes and those caught between two cultures at war, this is the epic saga of the Battle of Hawaii–the way it very nearly was. . . .
★海明威诞辰120周年纪念版。?★海明威参展经历浓缩,硬汉笔下的战争与爱情。?★多次搬上银幕,成为影史经典。? ...
欧内斯特·海明威(1899-1961),美国最杰出的作家之一,1954年诺贝尔文学奖获得者。《永别了,武器》是他的主要作品之一。美国青年弗瑞德里克·亨利在第一次世界大战后期志愿参 ...
“解雇赖克尔先生已经引起哗然。我们已经被抛进了无政府状态,无政府状态可不是我使用的一个词语。” “坐下,我亲爱的,”安莱特说。克劳德坐下了,伸出一只手罩在眼睛上。老国王从墙上的画像中在扫视着他们;如今的王后是用便宜的底片印出来的画像,羽毛别在她的 ...
“解雇赖克尔先生已经引起哗然。我们已经被抛进了无政府状态,无政府状态可不是我使用的一个词语。” “坐下,我亲爱的,”安莱特说。克劳德坐下了,伸出一只手罩在眼睛上。老国王从墙上的画像中在扫视着他们;如今的王后是用便宜的底片印出来的画像,羽毛别在她的 ...
《十面埋伏》讲述了:狱贞员罗维民有些发怔地瞅着眼前这个脏兮兮,浑身散发着恶臭的服刑人员。据监狱的管理人员说,这些天这个服刑人员的神经似乎有些不正常。整天胡说八道 ...
西班牙内战是奥威尔第一次亲临体验战争的残酷和萧条,为他以后作品的反战基调奠定了基础。可以想象,从未涉足政治的文人奥威尔面临残酷的意识形态斗争和政治的党同伐异时内 ...