Based on newly available post-Cold War documentation, this analysis by a Georgetown U. professor of history and international affairs reassesses the American, Soviet, and Chinese decision- making processes culminating in the Korean War and the ensuing New World Order. Mao was the odd man out in th
U.S. , Congress , Senate , Committees on Foreign Relations and Armed Services , Mutual Defense Assistance Program , Hearings , 81st Cong . , 2d sess . ... Dirk U. Stikker , Men of Responsibility : A Memoir ( New York : Harper & Row ...
By the fall of 1946 , south Korea's agricultural producers , and the economy itself , were at the end of their tether . As rice goes , so goes the Korean economy . Open - market wholesale prices in Seoul began a steep rise in August ...
A retired Army officer recounts his basic training and his experiences in Korea, where he was awarded the Silver Star
In this volume, we examine the challenges and opportunities created by global migration at the start of the 21st century. Our focus extends beyond economic impact to questions of international...
This remarkable collection of works by some of the most authoritative naval historians in the United States draws on many formerly classified sources to shed new light on the U.S....
Seven Boys Held Captive for 22 years!When Daniel Ciarletta and his father, Pete, boarded a boat in 1947 bound for Italy, to visit Pete's ailing father, they could not have...
Combines enormous battlefield-level detail with command-level military history and domestic and international politics to create a definitive history of the Korean War. Reprint.
Photographs depict the people who lived through the "forgotten war" in the early fifties in moving portraits that present an indelible witness to the upheaval which caught all on the...
"Remember, you are not going out there to start a war," Rear Admiral Frank Johnson reminded Commander Pete Bucher just prior to the maiden voyage of the U.S.S. Pueblo. And...
For a carnivore there is nothing more satisfying than a pink and succulent T-bone steak, the sizzle of well-seasoned chicken on a barbecue, or a serve of crispy, roast pork...