One of the leading diplomats of the twentieth century
The author relates his experiences in the State Department during a period that witnessed World War II, European reconstruction, the Korean War and McCarthyism
visit of Churchill and Eden in January 1952, Acheson and Dulles explained that the Americans had received a message from Yoshida, saying the Japanese government would establish diplomatic relations with Taiwan, and that it would ...
Colonialism and Cold War: The United States and the Struggle for Indonesian Independence, 1945-1949
Jeffrey Frank, author of the bestselling Ike and Dick, returns with the first full account of the Truman presidency in nearly thirty years, recounting how so ordinary a man met the extraordinary challenge of leading America through the ...
Cited in Thomas C. Reeves, The Life and Times of Joe McCarthy (New York: Stein & Day, 1982), p. ... Interview with Archibald MacLeish by David S. McLellan, July 2, 1964, in McLellan, Dean Acheson, p. 228. 65.
Joseph S. Nye, The Paradox of American Power: Why the World's Only Superpower Can't Go It Alone (New York, 2003), p. ... Robert J. McMahon, “Introduction: The Challenge of the Third World,” in Empire and Revolution: The United States ...
The book also sheds light on Acheson's friendship with Truman--one, a bourbon-drinking mid-Westerner with a homespun disposition, the other, a mustachioed Connecticut dandy who preferred perfect martinis.
Mosher , Fredrick C. , W. David Clinton , and Daniel G. Lang . Presidential Transitions and Foreign Affairs . Baton Rouge : Louisiana State ... New York : Simon & Schuster , 1981 . Nielsen , Waldemar . The Great Powers and Africa .
In his foreword to this book, Brookings president Strobe Talbott reviews the global context in which the Truman administration pushed the Marshall Plan through Congress, as well as Brookings' role in that process.
In this powerful, urgent essay, Robert Kagan elucidates the reasons why American withdrawal would be the worst possible response, based as it is on a fundamental and dangerous misreading of the world.