Guilty As Charged!: The Party Game of Pointing Fingers
Guilty as Charged
friendship, war, death, family
WANTED: THE GUNSMITH Waylon City, Montana, is supposed to be Clint Adams's one chance to rest his weary bones.
Guilty as Charged ... Forgiven as Promised is author Sally Simmone's story of her struggle to rise from the depths of depression caused by the guilt and shame of childhood sexual molestation and wrong choices made as a young adult.
MARIJUANA: NOT GUILTY AS CHARGED is a powerful and courageous book exposing the fact that marijuana is the least harmful illegal drug in the world -- actually less harmful than most legal drugs, including aspirin.
Guilty As Charged
In some parts of the world, self-confessed murderer Leonard Graham would have been executed, or even given life imprisonment for his monstrous crime.
BP Guilty as Charged
The story has a shocking ending, which leaves the reader to form his or her own conclusions about free-will choices made by all of us every day. This is a sequel to Sixty-Two Days to Eternity.