A directory listing over 100,000 scholarships not based on need, available at colleges and universities across the United States
The A's and B's is the only book on the market that contains a complete listing of academic scholarships offered at U.S. colleges and universities.
A's and B's of Academic Scholarships, 1995-1996
The A's & B's of Academic Scholarships
A's and B's of Academic Scholarships, 1992-1993
This book lists nearly 1,200 colleges and universities that now offer no-need scholarships to bright students, in dollar amounts ranging from $200 to $25,000.
The A's & B's of Academic Scholarships
A's and B's of Academic Scholarships
The only book on the market that contains a complete listing of academic scholarships offered at American colleges and universities, this is an essential guide for the students who stand in the upper third of their classes, with a B average ...
A's and B's of Academic Scholarships, 1996-1997
A's and B's of Academic Scholarships, 1991-92