The 36 activities in this book make learning about leadership a hands-on, active experience. Kids are called on to recognize each other’s strengths, become better listeners, communicate clearly, identify their values, build trust, set goals, and more. Each activity takes 20–45 minutes. Digital content includes all of the book's reproducible forms.
Women in Academic Leadership: Professional Strategies, Personal Choices
Directed to teachers, facilitators, and counselors, offers more than 170 cooperative activities for classrooms, summer camps, and family occasions designed to improve children's problem-solving skills and ability to collaborate.
Did you know that games can be a terrifically effective way to build team spirit, communication, and trust among people who work together day in and day out?
Ifcreating acrostics is a new concept, give a brief lesson on the writing approach: An acrostic starts with a topic word that is written vertically (going down the side of a page). Each letter in that word then starts a line in a poem ...
... you identify goals and put them in writing, set priorities and deadlines, overcome roadblocks, build a support system, use positive self-talk, celebrate successes, and more. What Do You Stand For? For Teens: A Guide to Building ...
This is a section from the complete ARTreach 180 program curriculum.
The book also includes special guidance for "virtual teams," whose members are in different locations but must work as a unit. For anyone charged with the task of bringing teams together, this book is the answer.
Build team spirit, communication and trust among people who work together with these best selling games and activities.
Students, 4 U 2 wrk hard wud b vwise; U mAgo hEr 2 pik ^achek&find a BLESSING n DISGUISE. 4NXTclue,txtd#of coluMz U c wen U find yor location. Financial aid building on a college campus (Use an actor dressed as a priest at this location ...
Theologically rooted yet eminently practical, this handbook will equip youth leaders to effectively shepherd the young people under their care—training them to live faithfully in their homes, churches, and schools.