Revised and updated from the original, this honest and forthwright look at families of all shapes and sizes will help you down the path of healing (whether you know you need it or whether yo're just not sure). Unlocking Your Family Patterns combines decades worth of counseling wisdom and pastoral care insights into this one practical resource. Your past may hurt, and your family's patterns may have left emotional scars, but your future has not been laid in stone yet. There is hope for healing, there are lessons to learn, and there are paths toward family health. Using clinical, biblical and practical examples to help you uncover the patterns your family has lived in, this book might lead you toward the family u-turn you've been looking for.
Using clinical, biblical and practical examples to help you uncover the patterns your family has lived in, this book might lead you toward the family u-turn you've been looking for.
In THE ORIGINS OF YOU, Pharaon has unlocked a healing process to help us understand our family of origin - the family and framework we grew up within - and examine what worked (and didn't) in that system.
Unlock your ability to heal oneself through keeping a dream journal, reveal your authentic self, live to your ful potential through understanding ones dreams.
This fascinating book by Rebecca Linder Hintze powerfully and effectively communicates a key, and sometimes overlooked, piece of the puzzle relating to family dynamics.
... Family Patterns (Chicago, IL:Moody Publishers1991, 1993,2011), 122, 123, 159. 13F. E.Peters, TheChildren ofAbraham ... Unlocking Your Family Patterns (Chicago, IL: Moody Publishers, 1991, 1993, 2011), 161. 25 US National Libraryof ...
Why did you do it? The Torn Asunder workbook is built around daily twenty-minute homework exercises, initiated by each spouse on alternating days for ten to fifteen weeks.
For example, every spouse has a "Dangerous Partner Profile" of the kind of person who tempts them. Close Calls should be on every church leader's and marriage counselor's required reading list. Includes charts and assessments.
What do we tell the kids? This refreshed and updated edition is an excellent resource for pastors, leaders, and lay people. Pair this with the Torn Asunder Workbook to for extra guidance in applying the book's advice to your marriage.
A family therapist uses the family trees of famous dynasties--such as the Kennedys--to show how behavior repeats itself from one generation to the next and to examine the effects of birth order and other factors
Includes charts and assessments to understand and guard against affairs. This book is the revised edition of Close Calls (2008)