Make Your Game Ideas A Reality! -- Includes a unique digital library that consists of the best-selling electronic books Tricks of the Windows Game Programming Gurus by Andre LeMothe and Game Design: Secrets of the Sages, Third Edition by gaming guru Marc Saltzman! -- 3D GameStudio Standard 5.12 is the leading authoring system for 2D and 3D computer games. -- Microsoft "RM" Visual C++ 6.0 Introductory Edition is a full-featured compiler that gives users the power to create applications in an environment designed for easy viewing and manipulation of code. This unique programming kit provides everything you need to create your own cool games. 3D GameStudio Standard 5.12 combines a programming language with a high-end 3D engine, a 2D engine, a C++ interface, a map and model editor and huge libraries of 3D objects, artwork and pre-made games. Microsoft "RM" Visual C++ 6.0 Introductory Edition includes a debugger and resource editor for easy editing of your code. Microsoft "RM" DirectX "RM" 8.0 SDK provides the industry standard two-dimensional and 3D graphical development API libraries to enhance your game project.
The best way to get into games is to make one, and this book will help artists do that!
Presents articles that cover a variety of topics in the field of game programming, including artificial intelligence, graphics, and mathematics.
An introduction to game programming for the PC, Mac, and Linux systems provides detailed instructions on how to create computer games using the Java platform, including information on 2D programming, creating sound and audio effects, and ...
The second edition of C# and Game Programming offers the same practical, hands-on approach as the first edition to learning the C# language through classic arcade game applications.
About the Book Unity in Action, Second Edition teaches you to write and deploy games with Unity.
Written specifically for kids ages 8-12, this book requires no programming experience, using simple concepts and fun games to teach introductory programming.
"Game Feel" exposes "feel" as a hidden language in game design that no one has fully articulated yet.
Teaches the basics of C++ programming and covers basic program flow, statements, and functions.
New to this edition: many great examples from new VR and AR platforms as well as examples from modern games such as Uncharted 4 and The Last of Us, Free to Play games, hybrid games, transformational games, and more.
This book provides access to an extensive library of sample Java and Android game projects via its companion website so that you can continue learning on your own and grow as a game programmer.