This A–Z encyclopedia provides a detailed overview of America's 11th president and connects Polk's public and personal life to his historical significance. * A timeline highlighting key events from Polk's first political victory in the 1823 election to the Tennessee House of Representatives to the posthumous publication of his personal diaries in 1910 * A sampling of key writings, including four of Polk's annual messages to Congress
Quoted in Thomas G. Paterson , ed . , Major Problems in American Foreign Policy : Documents and Essays , 2 vols . ( Lexington : D. C. Heath and Company , 1978 ) , 1 : 185 . 3. The U.S. perception of Latin America's backwardness during ...
Explores the one-term presidency of James K. Polk, during which the United States extended its territory across the continent by threatening England and manufacturing a controversial war with Mexico that Abraham Lincoln opposed.
In Polk, Walter R. Borneman gives us the first complete and authoritative biography of a president often overshadowed in image but seldom outdone in accomplishment.
This biography explores the controversies, triumphs, and failures of the presidency of James K. Polk. Sam W. Haynes places Polk's expansionist agenda in both political and social contexts and...
In Polk, Walter R. Borneman gives us the first complete and authoritative biography of a president often overshadowed in image but seldom outdone in accomplishment.
James K. Polk was one of the strongest and most active presidents ever to occupy the office. In the nineteenth century only Jefferson, Jackson, and Lincoln matched his overall leadership...
With a unique style, this book explores the life and accomplishments of James K. Polk, the 11th president of the United States.
James Knox Polk, Herbert Weaver Paul H. Bergeron, Kermit L. Hall, Wayne Cutler, Tom Chaffin, Michael David Cohen ... O Elk River Elkton o County Line O Sugar Creek Todd's o Polk's congressional district ( Maury and Bedford counties ) as ...
James Knox Polk, Herbert Weaver Paul H. Bergeron, Wayne Cutler, Tom Chaffin, Michael David Cohen ... O o Corners O Indian Creek Millville Elk River Elkton ° Sugar Creek County Line Todd'so POLK'S CONGRESSIONAL DISTRICT The district from ...
John Quincy Adams , who became president in 1825 , disagreed with most of Polk's beliefs . He thought the federal government should do more to help improve roads , canals , and schools nationwide . In an 1827 speech , Polk said that ...