Provides profiles of 350 environmental leaders who have made an impact on society from colonial times until the present day.
Barry Gough and Laird Christie. Hull, Quebec: Canadian Museum of Civilization, 1991. Lain, B. D. “The Decline of Russia's Colonial Society.” Western Historical Quarterly (April, 1976): 143–53. Znamenski, Ancrei A. “Sitka-Kyakhta versus ...
"Here is the New Western History written by Philip L. Fradkin a decade before that genre was accepted by academic historians. In these timeless articles, Fradkin combines history and the...
From Indigenous villages north of the Arctic Circle to Capitol Hill and many places in between, this book shows how Kohm and Gwich'in leaders and environmental activists helped build a political movement that transformed the debate into a ...
Haycox (history, U. of Alaska, Anchorage) presents historical commentary on human culture in Alaska and how it has affected the natural environment there. He contends that most non-Native Alaskans (now...
Achieving this goal will require not only educating the new generation of environmental leaders to have certain skills. It will also require developing, fostering, and enhancing the role of knowledge networks and boundary organizations ...
Cerveny, L. K. (2004) Tourism and its Effects on Southeast Alaska Communities and Resources: Case Studies from Haines, Craig, ... accessed 20 May 2009 Environmental Leader (2008) 'Cruise ships worse for environment than planes', ...
Senator Adams declared that he would not support another such rider, and Hatfield was in a weak position to attempt to do so again. Therefore, when the rider expired at the end of 1990 and the Forest Service began issuing new timber ...
Ole Rud Nielsen Alaska Cruise Ship Initiative (ACSI) In response to the illegal dumping of wastes in Alaskan waters, the Alaska ... This ADEC forum brought together various stakeholders, including the US Coastguard, the US Environmental ...
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"In an increasingly interdependent world, marked by growing numbers of non-governmental organizations and international institutions, American Foreign Environmental Policy presents a forceful argument for the continued relevance of the state...