This easy-to-use study guide -- the companion to Joshua Harris's runaway bestseller, I Kissed Dating Goodbye -- is designed to spark dialogue and get people talking openly and honestly about relationships. Most importantly, it helps them apply biblical principles to their lives. Whether it's in personal study, with a small group of friends, or in a Sunday school class, this study guide can help make God's best in relationships a reality in your life. - Back cover.
I Kissed Dating Goodbye
Story Behind the Book “I wrote I Kissed Dating Goodbye to challenge singles to drop the worldly approach to serial dating and reconsider the way they pursued romance in light of God’s Word.
Offers wisdom and guidance for Christians to strengthen their faith, discussing how God speaks to individuals, how Jesus' death on the cross paid for sins, who the Holy Spirit is, and more.
Full of insightful, real-life examples, this much-needed book will give you the tools you need to: Recognize and choose quality over perfection in a dating partner Prioritize friendship within your relationship Preserve friendships by ...
But the Bible is clear that none is better than the pursuit of godliness: in your speech, conduct, love, faith, and purity. As Paul told Timothy, set an example, be an example. Make your life a beautiful work of art.
We can go without now because we know what is coming.9 No earthly pleasure can give you all you want. ... On that last day, you'll be able to say all the waiting was worth it. ... We have waited for him, but we wait no longer!
Includes: What you miss when you miss church Ten questions to ask before you join How to get more out of the best day of the week What Readers are Saying: "This book shows the place of great honor that church holds in Christ's heart and ...
Offers view for every believer who wants a fulfilling marriage relationship. This work offers advice on the subject of finding the one with whom you will spend the rest of your life.
Honest and practical, this powerful study guide helps teens and young adults remap their romantic lives in the light of God's Word.
Through powerful, real-life stories and Fileta's personal journey, this book offers profound insights from the expertise of a professional counselor. Christians are looking for answers to finding true love.