Making disciples is a great goal, but it doesn't just happen—you've got to have an intentional plan. Learn to create an environment conducive to creating disciples.
Care of Converts
Evangelising New Zealand: A Current Assessment of Evangelism and Discipling in New Zealand
Baker,1991. Evans,Louis H.,Sr.Your Thrilling Future.Wheaton,Ill.:Tyndale, 1982. Gilmore,John.Probing Heaven.Grand Rapids,Mich.: Baker, 1989. Habermas,Gary R.Immortality:The Other Side of Death. Nashville: Nelson,1992. Hybels,Bill.
"This book presents a strategy of mission that is far from new-it simply goes back to the model gleaned from the New Testament. I earnestly desire that my students lay hold of what Tim Miller is communicating in this book.
From the "Essential Features of Biblical Counseling" to "Developing a Local Church Counseling Ministry", this book explores all aspects of the industry.
This Gospel-centered approach to outreach will allow you to implement efforts centered on the work of the Holy Spirit rather than human efforts. You won't find a magic wand to wave and effortlessly make disciples here.
This expanded edition of The Emotionally Healthy Church not only takes the six principles described in the original book further and deeper, but adds a crucial seventh principle.
The Discipleship Gospel
Preach the gospel? Got it. But what does it mean to disciple the nations? Do I preach or teach? To individuals or groups of people? What exactly did Jesus want me to do?
The powers of darkness attack us daily. But, as Dr. Neil Anderson shows us in Victory over the Darkness, you can have the power to conquer them by knowing who you are in Christ.