Critical advice for people considering a career as a firefighter on how to succeed at the competitive application process.
Introduction To Fire Protection (book) And Firefighter Career Starter: Finding And Getting A Great Job (book) And Firefighter Exam
Provides information on working for federal, state, and local government, with special emphasis on being a postal worker, law enforcement officer, administrative assistant, and firefighter.
Current guide provides all information needed to become a professional emergency medical technician. Covers salaries, benefits, career opportunities, training, financing an education, and more.
This book has all the information needed to find the right career in civil service.
According to the U.S. Department of Labor, more than 15% of all new jobs created by 2005 will be in retailing. This essential guide provides comprehensive information for readers looking...
Paralegal Career Starter 2nd edition gives readers the vital information necessary to begin an exciting career in the legal field. In addition to valuable tips on breaking into the legal...
U.S. Department of Labor , Bureau of Labor Statistics , “ Firefighting Occupations , ” Occupational Outlook Handbook . . 45. Green , interview . 46. Quoted in Mary Masi , Firefighter Career Starter . New York : Learning Express ...
... Practical Techniques and Exercises to Improve Your Memory by Dominic O'Brien (Chronicle Books) □ Improve Your Memory by Ron Fry (Career Press) □ The Complete Idiot's Guide to Improving Your Memory by Michael Kurland and Richard A.
U.S. $ 14.95 CANADA $ 20.95 CAREERS WHY A CAREER AS AN ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT ? It's a great field to get into ! Just look in the classifieds ... Other titles in the Career Starters Series include : Firefighter • Law Enforcement EMT .
Postal Worker Exam, 4th Edition offers the comprehensive review and essential practice needed to earn a top score on Test 473, and features: - 4 complete practice exams - Targeted review and strategies for each section of the test - Advice ...