Previous ed.: Calculus success in 20 minutes a day / Thomas, Christopher. c2006.
The bestselling Learning Express Skill Builders series packs a complete learning course into each volume.
Offers a diagnostic test to identify strengths and weaknesses, includes twenty lessons covering vital math skills, and provides access to online practice exercises and customized diagnostic reports.
This book guides you through pre-algebra, algebra, and geometry -- the fundamental concepts you're striving to conquer, or the ones you once learned but may have forgotten -- in just 20 easy steps.
This eBook is designed to prepare students to earn their target scores on the Math section of the brand new SAT exam.
Practical Math- Success In 20 Minutes A Day
This book provides an unbeatable review of all the pre-algebra, algebra, geometry, trigonometry, and other topics featured on exams such as the Compass, Asset, or Accuplacer.
This latest edition is designed to help students master the math essentials found on all levels of the COMPASS, ASSET, and ACCUPLACER exams.
Whether you're new to geometry or just looking for a refresher, Geometry Success in 20 Minutes a Day offers a 20-step lesson plan that provides quick and thorough instruction in practical, critical skills.
Veteran, award winning teacher Richard fisher shares his proven system of teaching which motivates students to learn, and produces dramatic results. Master Essential Math Skillsand raise test scores in 20 minutes per day.
Teaches the essential trigonometry skills needed for school or Advanced Placement tests.