The follow-up to our bestselling Advanced Style features more senior street style and inspiration from all over the globe. In this new edition Cohen shares his work from the past few years and now including some of the world's best-dressed older gentlemen. Similar in format to the original, with dozens of images from cities all over the world including: Los Angeles, London, Cape Town, Rome, Florence, Tokyo, San Diego, Palm Springs, Melbourne, Sydney, New York, Amsterdam, Edinburgh, Stockholm, and Geneva. The book will also feature around 10 short essays (by the subjects of the book) distilling the wisdom and lifestyle secrets of some of Cohen's favorite Advanced Style ladies. Plus an introduction from the always fabulous and witty Simon Doonan makes for a celebration of smashing senior style! "...I must tell you that I am not really an old lady; just cleverly disguised as one. Art and colour keep me young, keep me sane. Working as I do as an untutored 'outsider' artist is my therapy, my medicine, my joy and my purpose in life. Colour surrounds me: I revel in it, splash it everywhere, gulp it with a spoon. I am immersed in art. I make it, collect it, it fills and defines my existence. Childish, shamanistic, wild and anarchic, it is as far outside the box as it is possible to be. Box?? There is no box! Be bold, be adventurous. Do profound things, dazzle yourself and the world. Don't wear beige: it might kill you. Contribute to society, and live large. Life is short, make every moment count. It is never too late to find your passion." -- Sue Kreitzman
The book includes 40 profiles of inspiring couples from around the world, and more than 200 photos.
You will learn: The fundamentals of R, including standard data types and functions Functional programming as a useful framework for solving wide classes of problems The positives and negatives of metaprogramming How to write fast, memory ...
Style icon Tziporah Salamon profiles the chicest and most celebrated older women of today, showcasing their wardrobes and revealing the contents of their closets, while imparting practical tips on how...
This book is great for anyone looking for advice on how to live to a ripe old age with grace and good humor—and, of course, on how to stay stylish. • This book will resonate with photography buffs, fashionistas, and Asian Americans of ...
Add color to your solos with this goldmine of little-known techniques. If you can already pick and strum the basic melody of a song, you can use the ideas in this manual to learn how to express your creativity.
Martial applications found within tai chi chuan are a direct link to your tai chi as a form of self-defense.
Advanced Yang Style Tai Chi Chuan
In this book, you will learn Basics: Syntax of Markdown and R code chunks, how to generate figures and tables, and how to use other computing languages Built-in output formats of R Markdown: PDF/HTML/Word/RTF/Markdown documents and ...
Learn how to use R to turn raw data into insight, knowledge, and understanding. This book introduces you to R, RStudio, and the tidyverse, a collection of R packages designed to work together to make data science fast, fluent, and fun.
Though the Bernhardt literature is vast, this is the first English-language biography to appear in decades, tracking the trajectory through which an illegitimate--and scandalous--daughter of a Jewish courtesan transformed herself into the ...