Sarah K. Clark. Editor Eric Migliaccio Editorial Project Manager Ina Massler Levin, M.A. Editor-in-Chief Sharon Coan, ... M.S. Ed. Grades 1-2 Written by Sarah Kartchner Clark, M.A. Teacher Created Resources, Inc. 6421 Industry Way ...
Write a story on a sheet of chart paper. Omit all the adjectives. Post the story on a bulletin board. Ask the children to copy the story and add adjectives to it to make it more interesting. Invite children to read their new versions of ...
Story. Events. Here's an innovative way for your children to tell about books they have read. Procedure 1. After reading a book, provide each child with a supply of 3" x 2" (8 cm x 5 cm) cards. 2. On the front of each card, ...
You will be writing a story using rhyming couplets. To begin, think of one of the following: • something funny or interesting that happened to you recently • something funny or interesting that happened to someone you know • a funny or ...
Sarah Krutchner Clark ... M.S. Ed. Grades1–2Grades1–2 Written by Sarah Kartchner Clark, M.A. Teacher Created Resources, Inc. 6421 Industry Way Westminster, CA 92683 ISBN: 978-1-57690-983-6 ©2000 Teacher Created ...
Each student will write a story that takes place in two real locations. ... Materials. • white drawing paper • old magazines and calendars featuring • scissors settings in nature • glue sticks • writing paper • rulers • pens or pencils ...
Circle one: book story song movie TV show play. Tense Objective: The student will write a review and use ... phrases, or sentences about the setting: Words, phrases, or sentences that reveal the plot: Generalization #1: Sources 1. 2. 3.
( EIH ) ( gr . 6-12 ) . RL . 3 Incls . tchr's resource manual . pap . 40.50 ( 0-8359-3491-8 ) ; resource manual . pap . , tchr . ed . 5.50 ( 0-8359-3337-7 ) Globe Fearon Educational Publishing . What's Your Point of View on Careers .
El-Hi Textbooks & Serials in Print, 2003: Including Related Teaching Materials K-12
Place the layers in a quilting frame to prepare for the class quilting bee. If a quilting frame is not available, recruit four student volunteers. Ask each volunteer to stand and hold a corner of the quilt firmly as the participants tie ...
Developing readers and writers in the content areas: K—12. 2nd ed. White Plains, NY: Longman. Nagy, W. E., and J. A. Scott. 2000. Vocabulary processes. In Handbook of reading research, ed. M. L. Kamil, P. B. Mosenthal, P. D. Pearson, ...