Activities include lessons on the elements of narrative writing, figurative language, grammar, proofreading/editing skills, and includes ways to encourage the readers to feel that they are involved in the stories.
"A story starter suspends a student in the middle of a predicament. He is then faced with the question, "What happens next?" This is his que to expand and embellish the story however he wants"--Page 4 of cover.
Analyses why some children do not enjoy the writing experience, and outlines a process for developing enthusiasm in these students. Also presents a number of resources that can be used with students.
Dans cet ouvrage, l'auteure explique d'abord l'importance d'écrire de manière efficiente et dresse, à l'aide d'exemples concrets, un portrait des élèves qui éprouvent une difficulté en écriture.
Research papers don't have to be boring to read or to write. This book will show you how to get vibrant papers from your students--papers that teach both reader and writer something new.
Step-by-Step writing process instruction and the detailed concept modeling of Prentice Hall Writing and Grammar helps students improve their writing skills.
Sarah K. Clark. Editor Eric Migliaccio Editorial Project Manager Ina Massler Levin, M.A. Editor-in-Chief Sharon Coan, ... M.S. Ed. Grades 1-2 Written by Sarah Kartchner Clark, M.A. Teacher Created Resources, Inc. 6421 Industry Way ...
Guide to Using the ABC News/Prentice Hall Video Library for Composition with the Blair Handbook
This booklet presents invaluable information on some of the most effective approaches and important concerns of composition instructors today.
Intended to enhance students' reading and writing skills and to develop their understanding and appreciation of the basic principles of good character.
His presence there had been reported at 0930 by Diana Hunter , who had been exercising her dogs and was approached by the prisoner who proceeded to make a nuisance of himself . Ms. Hunter testified that , had it not been for the ...