Now in its third edition, this is the most comprehensive work available on the rich variety of paths available to today's spiritual seekers. More than an academic reference, it explores how religions can collaborate to help the world. Essays exploring the realm of building an interfaith community add to the book's detailed portraits of the major religious traditions. The Sourcebook also contains essays on spiritual practices as diverse as theosophy, wicca, and indigenous religions. This revised edition of the Sourcebook offers an unparalleled look at where spirituality is headed in the coming millennium.
Appropriate for college theology students or inquiring general readers, this anthology presents a concise history of Christian stances on other forms of belief and brief introductions to and excerpts from significant writings of the sacred ...
This inspiring SourceBook on the world's religions and spiritual teachings also portrays traditional and new responses to ecological, interreligious, international and humanitarian issues. Includes over 700 articles, quotations, prayers, sacred...
Sourcebook of resource information about different religions, including their origins and beliefs.
The religious world of the past forty years has been characterized by profound changes. Western and Eastern religions, both traditional and new, have rapidly developed into interactive, socio-political forces that...
David R. Cartlidge and J. Keith Elliott , Art and the Christian Apocrypha ( London , 2001 ) . Paul C. Finney , The Invisible God : The Earliest Christians on Art ( New York , 1994 ) . Robin Margaret Jensen , Understanding Early ...
Norea , daughter of Adam and Eve according to the Gnostics , leads to her restoration to her proper place , the Pleroma ( ' Fullness ' , the sphere of perfection ) , and union with the godhead . ( 3 ) While in the Pleroma , Norea has a ...
This text is a collection of translations of primary texts relevant to women's religion in Western antiquity, from the 4th century BCE to the 5th century CE.
Carefully integrated with the text are visual representations of divination, prayer, and sacrifice as depicted on monuments, coins, and inscriptions from public buildings and homes throughout the Roman world.
The book "reveals the beliefs and practices of many modern sects and cults. It explains where they came from.
Here are colorful descriptions of deities, creation myths, depictions of de