In a unique business fable, a wise, old millionaire counsels an eager young man through practical, ready-to-implement lessons that reveal ideas and actions that can give anyone the mentality of a millionaire. Original.
Read and apply the advice in this book to find out how you can become a millionaire today by committing yourself to a goal and giving it everything you've got.
The stories in this book are not fables. They are true. In these stories, the hares win." They are a richly varied lot, these happy hares. Gunther opens with a few dazzling millionaire legends, such as the man who invented Monopoly.
You can have the money to get the things you want. You can build a seven-figure nest egg that will keep you secure and comfortable for the rest of your life. This book has the power to secure your financial future and change your life.
The Instant Millionaire: A Millionaire Reveals how to Achieve Spectacular Financial Success
After trying and failing to become a contestant on an instant millionaire game show, Robert re-evaluates his priorities in life.
With the millionaire's secrets you will learn to discover and set your own greatest goals, listen to the secrets of your heart, realize your own potential, concentrate for sure success, and realize the power of thinking big.
The reader's decisions will determine whether he or she can spend a million dollars in one month and thereby win five million more.
But what if Leonardo was right? What if you could accomplish more while doing less? The author demonstrates that anyone can become a Lazy Millionaire in the 1 to 10 million-dollar range within a 10-year period. Original.
In this inspiring book, millionaires Mark Fisher and Marc Allen demonstrate that success is available to all who want it and who put their desires into action.
In the first story, Robert tries to get on the instant millionaire show to win big money, and in the second story, he and his class take part in a class contest that is just like the instant millionaire game.