Esoteric Healing condenses, explains, and presents the teachings on healing by "the Tibetan" in the works of Alice A. Bailey, with an emphasis on training practitioners. Introductory chapters examine the nature of the subject and provide the necessary guidelines for diagnosing, prescribing, and therapeutically utilizing specific energy forms intelligently, yet from an intuitive understanding. The main part of the book studies the healing circuits, known as triangles, arranged on a basis of clinical diagnoses relating to particular systems. Expanded sections describe the use of the sense triangle in healing, and triangles used in more advance esoteric healing. Individual chapters deal with the application of these healing energies to oneself and also how to approach cancer and other major planetary influences. Esoteric Healing defined and explained Practical emphasis with many diagrams Reveals a new understanding of disease How to heal from the soul level and work within the subtle bodies Distant healing and self-healing Case histories Group meditation and healing mantrams Paperback: ISBN: 1-57733-110-9, 6x9 Self-hardcover: ISBN: 1-57733-162-1
The Realness of Witchcraft in America
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Magic, Mysticism, and Modern Medicine