Four Complete Novels Including: The Finding of Jasper Holt, The Mystery of Mary, Phoebe Deanne, and Diverse Women (a novel by Isabella Alden, an aunt to Grace Livingston Hill).
The crowd gave way and the car glided smoothly up to the curb at the canopied entrance to the church.
"WHO'S at the front door?" asked Luella's mother, coming in from the kitchen with a dish-towel in her hand.
In the year 1824, in a pleasant town located between Schenectady and Albany, stood the handsome colonial residence of Hamilton Van Rensselaer.
"WHO'S at the front door?" asked Luella's mother, coming in from the kitchen with a dish-towel in her hand.
Best-selling author Grace Livingston Hill and her aunt, Isabella Alden, knew how to pen the classic hero in their beloved stories of faith and love. Meet heroes to be admired in these four complete novels.
... giving remove in sticker The Grace Livingston Hill Collection No. 3 Three books in one edition Lo , Michael The Story of A Whim The Finding of Jasper Holt A Barbour Book ISBN 1-55748-597-6 $ 19.95 For generations , Grace Livingston Hill ...
"Don't forget to write at once." Young and alone, Rose Galbraith is about to embark on a long voyage from New York to Scotland when she encounters Gordon McCarroll, a former classmate.
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Grace Livingston Hill