Acting: In Person and In Style, fifth edition is designed to serve the beginning, intermediate, and advanced acting student. Part I focuses on acting techniques. Part II follows with discussions of theories and history related to acting techniques.
... Costa Mesa , California ( David Emmes ) ; PAF Playhouse , Huntington Station , New York ( Jay Broad ) ; Colorado Shakespeare Festival , Boulder , ( Daniel S. P. Yang ) ; Denver Theatre Center , Denver , Colorado ( Edward Payson Call ) ...
Acting: In Person and In Style, fifth edition is designed to serve the beginning, intermediate, and advanced acting student.
This is an exciting Australian adaptation of the highly successful Acting in Person and in Style student book from the USA.
Cram101 Just the FACTS101 studyguides give all of the outlines, highlights, notes, and quizzes for your textbook with optional online comprehensive practice tests. Only Cram101 is Textbook Specific. Accompanys: 9780697201331 .
Recognized as a classic in its field, Acting with Style continues to be an invaluable guide to the process of approaching plays. The Third Edition retains all...
This is the definitive guide to roles in historical drama. The past is a foreign country, and this outstanding book is concerned with exploring it from the actor’s point of view.
(Applause Books). This book isn't a critical examination of high comedy. Rather, it's a collection of suggestions for the middlemen: the actors who have to catch the comic spark from the playwright and pass it on to the audience.
In a brief two-hour session, this workshop completely upends the way performers look at dialogue! With Acting at the Speed of Life, Mooney goes beyond his hugely successful master class, to share Secrets of Theatrical Power!
A follow-up to the best-selling introductory text Acting One, this text provides exercises and scenework in seven historical periods to help students extend their basic acting skills.
You will be "doing"! 5. You will understand the crucial difference between Homework, Rehearsal, and Performance. This book might reboot your whole way of building a character. It will be faster, more precise and more interesting.