Analytical and Exam Approach; General Provisions; Relevancy; Hearsay; Hearsay Exceptions; Witnesses; Opinions and Expert Testimony Authentication; Best Evidence Rule; Privileges; Judicial Notice; Burdens of Proof and Presumptions.
John Banville’s stunning powers of mimicry are brilliantly on display in this engrossing novel, the darkly compelling confession of an improbable murderer.
His book will interest all readers who want to understand philosophical questions about evidence and evolution, as they arise both in Darwin's work and in contemporary biological research.
The first half of this book follows the Federal Rules of Evidence in its explanation of how evidence is collected, preserved, and presented in criminal court.
McCormick on Evidence
This Dimas Hardy thriller is “a compelling combination of courtroom drama and whodunit.
This book is a marvelously comprehensive and utterly unique treatise on evidence-based policy. It is a wide-ranging contribution to the field of evaluation.
High probability by itself is too weak for evidence, since h's probability may be high with or without e. ... the fact that the hypothesis that all ravens are black is satisfied by the one black raven I have observed is not by itself a ...
Using robust software, this book focuses on learning assistants for evidence-based reasoning that learn complex problem solving from humans.
Drawing on hundreds of hours of exclusive interviews with key investigators, as well as other important figures such as the Kibbe’s reclusive wife, #1 New York Times bestselling author Bruce Henderson builds a fascinating portrait of this ...
Evidence and Religious Belief features eleven new essays on the question of whether religious belief must be based on evidence in order to be rational.