What does the Torah say that makes it relevant to today? How can we understand the mitzvos? Why should I believe? Why be Jewish? What does a Jew have to do? Is science an enemy of Judaism?JEP has answers. For decades, the Jewish Education Prog
The Hidden Face of Purim: Judaism's Critique of Religious Universalism
Libro de oracyones: Ferrara Ladino siddur (1552)
Judaism, Revelation of Moses, Or Religion of Men?
Martha A. Morrison, Stephen F. Brown Joanne O'Brien, Martin Palmer ... For example, the Hollywood studio of Metro-Goldwyn- Mayer (MGM) was founded in 1924 by two Jewish immigrants, Samuel Goldwyn and Louis B. Mayer.
... that it indicates an attitude of will, taking aim at an action (“nicht Trieb, sondern Wille” [not instinct, but will], “nicht Rausch, sondern Tat” [not high spirits but deed]); and, second, because it is used in specific situations, ...
Judaism: Study Guide
A glorious story of an Australian bush childhood—growing up on the family farm with horses and animals, eccentric neighbors and a loving family The road to Goonong was just a pair of wheel tracks packed down by buggies and drays that had ...
Wurzeln des rabbinischen Judentums: Eine Geistesgeschichte von Ezechiel bis Daniel
Jødedom: tro og livsforståelse
In this volume, first published in 1975 and unrivalled in its treatment of the subject, Louis Jacobs examines those responsa in which theology is considered and highlights the changes that have occurred in the theological principles ...