The foreign trade is the engine of the global economics. In these turbulent days, when governments and international organizations tend to protect their markets spheres of interest, the application of regulatory measures gains in importance. The Czech Yearbook of International Law - Regulatory Measures and Foreign Trade - 2013 pinpoints these trends and its various aspects on different levels in comparative analysis. The Yearbook provides insight into problematic of regulatory measures in investment law on global level same as from the EU prospective. Similarly, authors also analyze various aspects of the regulatory measures applied in the areas of financial markets and money laundering, market abuse, Common European Sales Law and Consumer Protection. Local practitioners from the region also share their views on the measures in foreign trade on the domestic level and the problems interconnected with such regulation in the region. The new volume of the Czech Yearbook of International Law - Regulatory Measures and Foreign Trade - 2013 brings useful resource for everyone who is dealing with international trade, be it an academic, practitioner, law or international relations student who seeks global compendium on the issue including an overlap to economic and politic aspects of the problematic.
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An introduction to international trade laws of Canada
Boris Bittker, the universally recognized authority on federal taxation, turns his formidable talents with the assistance of Brannon P. Denning to an analysis of interstate and foreign commerce in this important work.
This volume discusses the law of the World Trade Organization (WTO), the global forum for trade liberalization.
The Law of the World Trade Organization (WTO): Documents, Cases & Analysis
"This book is part of a wider project on the economic logic behind the General Agreements on Tariffs and Trade (GATT). This volume asks: What does the historical record indicate about the aims and objectives of the frames of the GATT?
This is an analysis of the establishment and operation of international trade agreements, focusing on the 'General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade'.
This Documents Supplement contains the basic international agreements on trade in goods and services and the principal U.S. statutes regulating international trade, as well as NAFTA and the Articles of Agreement of the International ...
Stedeford, Todd 8: Amanda S. Persad, The Influence of Carcinogenicity Classification and Mode of Action Characterization on Distinguishing “Like Products” Under Article III:4 of the GATT and Article 2:1 of the TBT Agreement, ...