Chronic pain is a condition that afflicts over 50 million Americans. Chronic pain can be a symptom of a variety of illnesses, injuries, or chronic conditions. From back pain to migraine headaches to arthritis, from sports injuries to cancer, chronic pain can afflict anyone at any age. It is one of the most frequently under-treated conditions and, even worse, many doctors simply ignore it. Chronic pain specialist Dr. Jennifer Schneider offers expert advice and guidance to the millions of Americans who suffer with chronic pain. In Living with Chronic Pain you’ll learn: * How to choose a pain specialist doctor * The latest information on the warnings and recalls of popular Cox-2 inhibitor and NSAID painkillers such as Vioxx. * The truth about opioids and why they are under-prescribed * The most up-to-date non-drug approaches to pain management including physical therapy, massage therapy, acupuncture, brain stimulation, biofeedback, counseling and more * Details on clinical trials, the new analgesics and cutting-edge endorphin research Now updated with the latest information about medications and treatments, the second edition of Living with Chronic Pain is essential reading for anyone suffering with or treating this debilitating condition.
Chronic pain includes many types of conditions from a variety of causes. This book is designed to help those suffering from chronic pain learn to better manage pain so they can get on with living a satisfying, fulfilling life.
Manual (hands-on) therapies include massage, mobilization, and manipulation. Manual therapists may also use high-frequency ultrasonic waves or sound waves applied to the overlying skin, though the effectiveness of this approach to ...
Starting today, you don't have to live in pain. That is Pete Egoscue's revolutionary message.
"Grounded in state-of-the-art theory and research, this hands-on volume provides a complete cognitive-behavioral treatment program for clients suffering from chronic pain.
This book is recommended by the national Reading Well scheme for England delivered by The Reading Agency and the Society of Chief Librarians with funding from Arts Council England and Wellcome.
Beloved author Toni Bernhard addresses these challenges and many more, using practical examples to illustrate how mindfulness, equanimity, and compassion can help readers make peace with a life turned upside down.
Drawing on input from people with long-term ailments, this book points the way to achieving the best possible life under the circumstances.
Annotation The author simplifies the complex care of patients with chronic pain by providing practical strategies for targeting important symptoms, establishing realistic treatment goals, and managing patients with instructional sheets that ...
Explain Pain aims to give clinicians and people in pain the power to challenge pain and to consider new models for viewing what happens during pain.
Terry Cantor was a classic case. In his midforties he was unable to fully straighten out his right knee, a condition that persisted for twelve more years until he came to the clinic in 1997. WHICH COMES FIRST, THE ACCIDENT OR THE ...