While it began as a mystical interpretation of Jewish scriptural texts, today Qabalah is much more. As John Bonner writes in his introduction, "Qabalah is a metaphysical philosophy, or rather a theosophy, that sets out to answer a series of vital questions regarding the nature of God, His creation, and the place of man in His divine plan." It is a living, growing system of personal development. In addition, much of contemporary Western magick is founded on the work of the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn, which based its ritual and teachings firmly in Qabalah. This scholarly introduction explores the mysteries of Qabalah through the symbolism of the Tree of Life and its four distinct elements: the three Pillars of Manifestation, the ten Holy Sephiroth, the Paths that run to and from the Sephiroth, and the Veils. For each Sephirah, Bonner provides detailed information on magical, astrological, and tarot correspondences - as well as how different religious traditions relate to the concepts contained in each.
Blaine’s Challenge!———— —— —— —— —— — —— —— — —— —— — ——— —— ————A never-before-attempted challenge to readers everywhere!WIN $100,000.00Hidden throughout the volume now in front of you...
Хизер Аскинози, автор книги «Магия камней и кристаллов», вот уже около 30 лет занимается духовными практиками и изучает свойства кристаллов. Минералы, впитавшие в себя энергии Земли и космоса, обладают удивительными...
This concise introductory textbook emphasizes the major concepts of both anthropology and the anthropology of religion. It is aimed at students encountering anthropology for the first time. Reviewers...
Fill your daily life with the 300-year-old traditions of Early America. Simple chants, spells, charms and recipes bring about healing, prosperity, and protection in the tradition of the Pennsylvania Dutch...
This popular reference work contains alphabetical listings of 1,533 mythological female deities. This is the only complete, one-volume recitation of their legends in any available source. Also contains an index...
Magic rituals and belief were an important part of everyday life in rural Finland, surviving even into this century. Numerous descriptions of Finnish women's magic rituals have been recorded over...
"The Golden Bough" describes our ancestors' primitive methods of worship, sex practices, strange rituals and festivals. Disproving the popular thought that primitive life was simple, this monumental survey shows that...
Wicca is an initiatory magickal tradition incorporating both Pagan spiritual philosophies and witchcraft practices, with ceremonial magick. In doing so it combines magick, mysticism and spirituality into an experiential, practice-based...
The period of persecution and execution of so-called witches stands as a venomous chapter of Western civilization. The hunt extended from the Middle Ages into the early modern era and...
Michael Maier was a 17th-century alchemist and physician to the court of Emperor Rudolf II in Prague. Between 1614 and his death in 1622, Maier published a number of alchemical...