A guide to getting the best deal on a variety of items from antiques to consumer goods and services to real estate.
Covers "American furniture, 1870-1960. Where to find it, how to judge its quality and price, and how to repair and finish it."
The winner is the team who makes the most money. This book is a field guide to the do's and don'ts of buying antiques from auctions and salerooms to fairs and shops.
AA Town and Country Auctions in Britain: The Bargain Hunter's Handbook
Town & Country Auctions in Britain: The Bargain Hunter's Handbook
Town and Country Auctions in Britain: The Bargain Hunter's Handbook
Town & Country Auctions in Britain: The Bargain Hunters Handbook
68 Money-Saving Tip$: The Bargain Hunter's Guide to Discounts, Free Services, Special Privileges
Bargain Hunters Guide
The Bargain Hunters Guide to Photographica
The Bargain Hunter's Antiques Handbook: The Insider's Guide to Antiques and Collectables Under £100