Schumpeter is without doubt one of the most influential economists of the 20th century. Business Cycles [1939] is considered his great work. We reprint the first edition published in 1939 in two volumes. In "Business Cycles" Schumpeter focuses powerfully on the historical role of technological innovation in accounting for the high degree of instability in capitalists societies. He aims to analyze empirically the actual process of economic development using historical and statistical material based on the theoretical framework he developed in earlier writings. He tried to integrate theory and history primarily by means of statistics. It is because he adopted the method of filling in the statistical contours with detailed industrial history that "Business Cycles" comprises two large volumes. A Classic work, not otherwise available in the original two volume format.
指数, 107 ;威斯蒂德, P . :和杰文斯, 10,120-123 ;早年在伦敦, 118 ;和数学, 119,131 ;和比顿, 119 ;和肖, 125-126 ;和青年经济学会, 130 ;和门格尔, 131 ;论尺度, 131-133 ;和“边际的”一词, 134 ;论个人比较效用, 135-136 ;和边际效用, 135-136 ;论劳动 ...
Presents the text of the German Socialist's classic work on the structure of primitive society and early civilization
A History of United States Trade and Monetary Policy William J. Gill. The press played the successful supply ... Douglas MacArthur had sprung his amphibious end run around the Communist lines with the surprise landing at Inchon .
In Encylopedia of U.S. Foreign Relations , Volume 2 , edited by Bruce W. Jentleson and Thomas G. Paterson . New York : Oxford University Press , 1997 . Coombs , Herbert C. “ The Keynesian Crusade . ” Postwar Reconstruction Seminar ...
Mallon , Florencia E. 1994 The Promise and Dilemma of Subaltern Studies : Perspectives from Latin American History . The American Historical Review , vol . 99 , no . 5 , pp . 1491-1515 . Washington . Mandel , Ernest 1989 Beyond ...
Edward Sienkiewicz , a Polish clothing manufacturer living in Portland , Maine , felt an obligation to help Poland's Jewish community in any way he could after the devastation brought to that country during World War II .
George Moore, 4 Smith, Page, 312 Snow, Edward Rowe, 300 Social Gospel movement, 77, 114 Social Register, 146 Sousa, john Philip, 35, 38 South African Republic, 89 South Omaha Stoclzrnan, 157 Spain Ambassador Dupuy de Lome, 96—9, ...
... 214, 235, 273, 332, 382. 383 firms, 208. 209. 213, 215, 217, 219, 228. 235, 237. 289. 333, 354, 355 first generation. 272, 273, 274, 278, 280 fiscal deficit. 86. 288, 337, 355, 356 fiscal policy. 26. 144. 336. 351. 356. 357 fishing.
(英)罗杰·巴克豪斯著;晏智杰译. 到。因此,俄林不像凯恩斯那样把转账问题看得那么严重 ... 对国际汇率论进行了最广泛讨论的智杰译文集是卡塞尔,他是“购买力平价”这个术语的提出者。这个理论最早的表述是现代经济分析史最简单的:“假定 A 和 B两 ...
这些都是亲人眼中的圣物,每个人都清楚其中蕴涵着无与伦比的情感。 ... 除了这些让家人珍爱的圣物,还有一些纪念品也是让人们无法割舍的:被人们所欣赏以及崇高美德神圣化的东西,比如一本莎士比亚(Shakespeare)亲手签名的蒙田文集;保存在安特卫普的一把椅子, ...