Paul Watzlawick, Janet Helmick Beavin, and Don D. Jackson, Pragmatics of Human Communication (New York: W. W. Norton Co., 1967). 5. Joseph Luft, Group Processes: An Introduction to Group Dynamics, 2d ed. (Palo Alto, Calif: National ...
This book is an answer to the great need the church has for a practical approach to conflict resolution in the church. It focuses on scripturally-based, peace-making attitudes within the African church context.
Gangel, Kenneth O., Canine, Samuel L. Communication and Conflict Management In Churches and Christian Organizations (Nashville: Broadman & Holman, 1992). Gottman, John. Why Marriages Succeed or Fail (New York: A Fireside Book, 1994).
“The Responses of the Church in Nigeria to Socio-Economic, Political and Religious Problems in Nigeria: A case Study of the Christian Association of ... Communication and Conflict Management in Churches and Christian Organizations.
This first volume in the Library of Leadership Development helps pastors and lay leaders understand, prevent, and redeem conflicts.
Religious organizations and free exercise: The surprising lessons of Smith. Brigham Young University, Reuben Clark Law School 2004. Canine, S. & Gangel, K. (2002). Communication and conflict management: in churches and Christian ...
This comprehensive text for Christians on organizational leadership provides theological foundations while tracing the historic roots of management, organization and leadership theories.
With crystal clarity this manual lays before us the wisdom that leads humble souls into that blessing."--J. I. Packer "Of people alive and writing today, I know of no more reliable guide for peacemaking in church and family than Ken Sande.
Noted Christian education authorities such as Kenneth Gangel, James Wilhoit, Howard Hendricks, and Robert Choun have edited or written these books.
He recounts the case of Karen Fletcher, who made a plea agreement with prosecutors that landed her six months of house arrest and a $1,000 fine. The alternative was the possibility of up to five years in prison.
Fuller Theological Seminary , March , 1984 . “ Christopraxis : Competence as a ... Grand Rapids : William B. Eerdmans Publishing Co. , 1984 . ... Augsburger , David W. Conflict Mediation Across Cultures : Pathways and Patterns .