Comparative Negligence, Fifth Edition fully discusses a doctrine that has been a major force of change in tort law over the past 20 years. Since its initial publication in 1974, it has become the leading reference covering the interaction of comparative negligence with every relevant tort doctrine.
74 « Ch. 18», «§ 18.05» 1 Comparative Negligence § 18.05. Idaho, Louisiana, Maine, Minnesota, Nevada, North Dakota, Oregon, Utah and Wyoming. 75 See, e.g., Boyce v. Herzberg, 296 Minn. 52, 206 N.W.2d 548 (1973). Vaughan v.
Amira, Nordgermanisches Obligationenrecht. II. Westnordisches Obligationenrecht, Leipzig 1895. J.A. Ankum, 'Dogmatische, sociologische en historische rechtsbeoefening', AA VI (1956-1957), p. 125-132. —. 'Towards a Rehabilitation of ...
Comparative Negligence and Contribution in Florida
Contributory Negligence under Belgian Law Herman Cousy and Dimitri Droshout Part I – General questions 1. Contributory negligence as an element of tort law [1] The concept of contributory negligence is well known in Belgian tort law.1 ...
The Law of Negligence in Arizona,Third Edition is the established authoritative resource on Arizona's comparative negligence statutes.
Comparative Negligence