Through the art of story and the discipline of reflection, Finding Our Way helps each reader discover the path to serenity through self-discovery and the contemplation of God's timeless truths in an ever-changing world.
. . Finding Our Way challenges us to see the enterprises we lead in new light.” —Leader’s Beacon
Day-Marks. The length of day and the path of the Sun appear as crude markers of the latitude of new lands discovered by the Norse. The “Vinland Sagas” is a term that refers to two texts, the Saga of the Greenlanders and the Saga of Leif ...
THESE STORIES TAKE the reader to meet mochos; cholos; Mr. and Mrs.
Brian McLaren guides us on this quest for an explanation of these spiritual practices, many of which go all the way back to Abraham and the establishment of Israel.
Biehl examines the contradictions of ecofeminism and argues that social ecology, and alternate framework, offers a more liberating program for men and women, as well as for our beleaguered biosphere.
Finding Our Way Home is a story of second chances and lavish grace.
In Finding Our Way to the Truth, Sarah Ciavarri explores lies of a particularly insidious sort--lies masquerading as truths.
Finding Our Way Through the Dark presents an astrological lunar-based model to explore the periodic dark and difficult times in our life as rites of passage leading to renewal. It...
In Finding Our Way Home, Myke Johnson reflects on her personal journey into such a partnership and offers a guide for others to begin this path.
"Hosts of all kinds, this is a must-read!