If you find yourself thinking or saying any of the following, this is a book you need to pick up. I know or suspect that I am underpaid, but I hate negotiating. I do everything else first and then write in the time left over. I’m not sure exactly what the promotion requirements are in my department. Since earning tenure, my service load has increased and my research is suffering. I don’t get enough time with my family. This is a practical guide for women in academe – whether adjuncts, professors or administrators – who often encounter barriers and hostility, especially if women of color, and generally carry a heavier load of service, as well as household and care responsibilities, than their male colleagues. Rena Seltzer, a respected life coach and trainer who has worked with women professors and academic leaders for many years, offers succinct advice on how you can prioritize the multiplicity of demands on your life, negotiate better, create support networks, and move your career forward. Using telling but disguised vignettes of the experiences of women she has mentored, Rena Seltzer offers insights and strategies for managing the situations that all women face – such as challenges to their authority – while also paying attention to how they often play out differently for Latinas, Black and Asian women. She covers issues that arise from early career to senior administrator positions. This is a book you can read cover to cover or dip into as you encounter concerns about time management; your authority and influence; work/life balance; problems with teaching; leadership; negotiating better; finding time to write; developing your networks and social support; or navigating tenure and promotion and your career beyond.
Offers career guidance to Ph.D. degree holders, addressing such issues as publishing, interviews, CVs, cultivating references, avoiding career path mistakes, and transitioning to non-academic work.
By reading this guide you will gain critical insights on becoming a competitive faculty member, promotion, work-life integration, as well as race, gender, and their influence on the Black woman's faculty experience.
Candid Advice for New Faculty Members is required reading for every newly-minted faculty member, regardless of academic discipline. The wisdom provided in this volume will prove to be invaluable to your future career.
The only real power available to the leader is the power of persuasion. ... For women, crafting persuasive skills is especially important since you may be fighting gender stereotypes and bias when engaging with peers and students.
The book offers invaluable advice to visiting and adjunct instructors ready to seek new opportunities, to scholars caught in "tenure-trap" jobs, to grad students interested in nonacademic work, and to committed academics who want to support ...
I used chin-ups to show off to the girls in class. My mother even bought a chin-up bar and attached it to my bedroom doorframe so I could train at home. I did chin-ups every day. What I learned from my chin-up training is that there is ...
This book explores the experiences and perspectives of female professors.
Inspiring Conversations with Women Professors: The Many Routes to Career Success provides stories behind the many paths to professorship taken by these featured women.
This bestselling book gives preservice and practicing literacy coaches the tools they need to build a successful schoolwide reading program.
Women professors of educational administration share their personal stories of being female firsts.