Trying to grow spiritually without understanding God's plan for transforming your life is like trying to put together a jigsaw puzzle without looking at the picture on the box. Does Christian growth seem confusing and elusive to you? Have you ever wondered whether you will ever be able to get off the ground spiritually? Changed into His Image by Jim Berg offers clear biblical teaching and practical advice for understanding biblical change in the Christian life. Believers can build an intimate and completely satisfying relationship with God by experiencing God's plan for transforming their lives. Through clear biblical teaching and practical examples, Jim Berg teaches you how to build an intimate and satisfying relationship with God -- the "missing piece" in the experience of many believers. - Publisher.
That's like trying to put together a jigsaw puzzle without looking at the picture on the box. If Christian growth seems confusing and elusive--if you're discouraged by your own lack of spiritual progress--this book is for you.
Watchman Nee uses the lives of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob to show that God is able to turn our failure into success and our weakness into strength.
"Taking Time to Change, 2nd Edition" is the accompanying thirteen-week workbook for "Changed Into His Image, 2nd Edition: God's Plan for Transforming Your Life."
Oh, for to reflect His lovely image perfectly! Oh, for to be wholly consecrated to Him! Oh, how hard it is for dear self to die. We can rejoice in a whole Savior; one who saves us from all sin. We can be shut in with God where we can ...
In this sequel to his popular book Changed Into His Image, Jim Berg paints an exhilarating picture of the contentment that comes from seeing God's purpose for redeeming your life.
For Robert Fyall, the mystery of God's ways and the appalling evil and suffering in the world are at the heart of Job's significant contribution to the canon of Scripture.
" Ask God for the grace to do His will, and you will see the truth of His Son. John Piper has written this book in the hope that all will see Jesus for who he really is and will come to enjoy him above all else.
These truths can work together to act as "spiritual CPR" that will stabilize you, or someone you are helping, in the event of sudden calamity. When Trouble Comes gives seasoned advice on how to look at and handle any crisis biblically.
In And We Are Changed, Priscilla Shirer challenges readers to walk in freedom, throwing off the chains that have kept them from fully following Christ.
"Essential virtues presents 2 Peter 1 as the portrait of what christlikeness is"--Provided by publisher.