This practical guide introduces the fundamentals of residential landlord-tenant law and offers a guide to the procedural mechanics practitioners face in landlord-tenant disputes.
The edition includes updated charts and an expanded chapter on news coverage of the courts that reflects increased reliance on digital technology in reporting and gathering the news.
Builders' Liens, 1985: Materials Prepared for a Continuing Legal Education Interactive Audio Conference Course Held in Various Locations Throughout British...
"This Action Guide discusses the rights and remedies (including mechanics' liens, stop notices, and related remedies) of the principal parties involved in a private work of improvement.
This four volume looseleaf handbook for Florida practitioners discusses abandoned construction, priority of payment among leinors, and performance necessary for the lien under Florida mechanics' lien law.
Topic coverage in this looseleaf volume includes an introduction to mechanic's lien law, current law under the Texas Property Code, perfecting the lien under Chapter 53, priorities and preferences, bonds and the trust fund statute.
This all-inclusive work provides quick answers regarding abandoned construction, priority of payment among lienors, and performance necessary for lien.