Join certified Chinese Master Chef Martin Yan as he revisits Asia on an insider's tour of three memorable and inspiring cuisines. Collecting recipes from top hotels and restaurants, food stalls, and home kitchens, Martin provides yet another definitive look at Asian cuisine in all its diversity. He first visits Hong Kong--where it all started for him as a thirteen-year-old restaurant apprentice--to decipher the vastly creative wonders of this culinary crossroads. Martin then heads to Taiwan, where he uncovers a microcosm of Chinese cuisine, with elements derived from every region and style found on the mainland. Finally, Martin takes his inaugural tour of Thailand, not so much visiting the country as experiencing it in its entire splendor, culinary and otherwise. The journey takes him from Chiang Mai in the north to Bangkok, the country's heart, to the spectacular beaches of the south. The range of Martin's experiences reflects the ingenuity and diversity of the cuisine, which, simply put, is like nothing else in the world. The companion book to his latest public television show, MARTIN YAN'S ASIAN FAVORITES continues Chef Yan's comprehensive exploration of the various cultures and cuisines of Asia.* Yan Can Cook: Asian Favorites will air nationwide on public television stations continuously over the next two years.* Includes 150 recipes and over 75 food and location photos.* Martin Yan is the author of 24 cookbooks and has been the host of more than 1,750 cooking shows.* Martin Yan's books have sold over 1.5 million copies."There will be new surprises and discoveries on every corner, and new lessons about my Asian neighbors that I'm embarrassed to admit I hadn't already learned. It matters little how many years I have lived in North America. I will forever feel at home in Asia, where I can wander down to any street vendor's food cart or neighborhood restaurant and grab a bite of the same snacks or meal that fed my body and my soul while I was growing up." --From the introduction
From the Trade Paperback edition.
此外,夏商周时期的文献对烹饪成品的造型、装盘要求也有记载,如《周礼》《礼记》《仪礼》记载了食品与器皿配合的礼仪制度,《管子》一书已记载了雕卵,即雕刻而成的蛋,表明食品雕刻至此已经开始。 4.饮食成品分类细化,并出现明显的地区特征据《周礼》《礼 ...
周日则抽时间去看罗马尼亚语的电影练习听力。后来中国大使馆发了一台小录音机和一本小词典,赵师傅学习外语更是如虎添翼。勤能补拙,熟能生巧,没有半年工夫,日常交流已不成问题。罗马尼亚语和法语属同一语系,赵师傅顺便又学了点儿法语,再加上本来就会一些 ...
《中餐生產標準化體系設計》主要對中餐生產工藝流程環節的標準化要點提出了可操作化的觀點,主要包括: ?原料標準(對原料治療的要求) ?半成品標準(對半成品品質的要求,與產品標準相似) ?產品標準(對生產最終產品的品質要求) ?工藝標準(對生產過程的要求,涉及標準化控制) ?售賣標準(對產品銷售服務的要求)。 具體見所附目錄。 *本書為簡體字版
For anyone who has ever been dazzled but daunted at the Asian market, here is an indispensable, easy-to-use guide to identifying, choosing, and preparing these wonderfully unusual vegetables. From Amaranth...
72道愛的家庭料理為你鋪排一桌美好食光 這是一本食譜,也不只是食譜,而是家人和我的集體印記; 每一道料理都是我對他們的告白,在餐桌上累積著我們的故事。 一本充滿「愛」的食譜書。從小被家人用親手製作的好味道餵養長大,成家後即使工作忙碌,她仍堅持每週下廚,用料理好好寵愛她的家人。 「好好吃飯,是人生之最基本,吃飽了,一切都沒那麼艱難了。」——本書作者小珊被十三個同學稱讚的咖哩優格烤雞腿,媽媽最喜歡的炒米粉,外婆的高麗菜丸子,爸爸偷偷加料的排骨便當,還有全家都歡呼的漢堡排和香草燉牛肉,每一道菜,都是掌廚者對家人的愛;每一道菜,也都在廚房中試煉一百回,深受喜愛的不敗家常菜。 本書收錄七十二道愛的家庭料理,跟著作者小珊,用料理打造專屬於你家獨一無二的家族記憶! 全書分五大部,不論你是職業媽媽,新手廚人, 煮夫煮婦或偶爾下廚的上班族都能找到適合你的菜餚。 Part 1 愛的定番本篇為黃大寶、二寶最愛吃的菜色大集合,相信也是所有小朋友的愛,孩子點播,媽媽使命必達。 Part 2獨一無二的家族記憶傳承自台菜師傅的爸爸,及做家常菜的媽媽與婆婆的好味道,對家人的愛,就是最好的調味料。 Part 3職業煮婦/夫的武林密笈作者本人就是個忙碌的媒體人,深諳與時間賽跑之道,快手料理或常備菜是家庭料理最重要的一環。 Part 4 再忙也要跟你喝一杯有了小情人也不能忽略大的,想與另一半或情人喝一杯時,就來做下酒菜吧! Part 5 家庭料理的華麗冒險不需要昂貴的食材,只需要多一點點的工夫,平凡無奇的家常菜也可以唬人唷。 本書特色 特色1 簡單好上手:步驟詳細,新手也能無壓力上菜特色2 ...
Recipes: Chefs of Raffles Hotel. The legendary Raffles Hotel shares its recipes for the best-loved dishes served today. Its signature dishes reflect Singapore's exciting and culturally diverse culinary heritage. Continental...
This beautiful collection showcases 350 of the most tantalizing recipes ever featured on the popular PBS television series, illustrating them here with 75 gorgeous color plates, clear instructions, and Yan's...
Ben shu shi Jeanica xing fu hong bei fen xiang she tuan di yi ben he ji, You 12 wei she tuan lao shi wei da jia shi fan 36...