The history of this fabled site spans 150 years, beginning in
On the City's wild and windy shore, millionaire Adolph Sutro built a fairyland-like Cliff House, formal statue gardens, and palatial swimming baths. Today, the National Park Service maintains what remains...
This book includes some of the best photographs of these creations, drawn from Bay Area archives, and the text puts them in the context of their times.
Where the waves of the Pacific Ocean wash up against the quiet neighborhoods of San Francisco, Ocean Beach has endured as a popular destination for tourists and San Francisco residents alike.
With long-forgotten stories and evocative photographs, San Francisco's Lost Landmarks showcases the once-familiar sites that have faded into dim memories and hazy legends.
Easy-to-read text introduces the sights of San Francisco, through a full day of sightseeing.
Feisty and determined, Sarah continues to flout the notions of "proper" femininity in this series that is a turn-of-the-century answer to Legally Blonde.
King of the Comstock Lode and Mayor of San Francisco William R. Huber. “Cliff House and Baths Dedicated." 2 February 1896. Cliff House Project. ... American Biography-A New Cyclopedia. Ed. William Richard Cutter. Vol. V. New York City, ...
History of the various buildings known as the Cliff House, in photographs.
A kaleidoscopic tribute to San Francisco by a life-long Bay Area resident and co-founder of Salon explores specific city sites including the Golden Gate Bridge and the Land's End sea cliffs while tying his visits to key historical events.
And if you are just curious about what goes into the design and construction of buildings, this book tells you how architects think.