Improve the outcomes of your diabetes treatment with the resource that covers hard-to-find topics such as empowerment, female eating disorders, and minority patients. Leading behavioral scientists have taken their findings on the latest behavioral information for diabetes management and translated them into practical guidelines.
Six years worth of information packed into one book that covers:See also Behavioral strategies; Cultural context; Diabetes self-management education (DSME) acute complication ... See Physical activity Exogenous glucose, 108t Experiential learning, 76 Eye drops, steroid, 380 Eyes, 138,450–451.
本书帮你认识和对付体重问题, 糖尿病以及血糖与疾病之间的关系, 帮你了解自身健康状况.
Help your patients live a more flexible lifestyle with step-by-step advice on insulin pump therapy from dietitian and diabetes educator Karen Bolderman. Bolderman has spent more than 25 years training...
For clinicians striving to deliver diabetes therapy for the 21st century, Intensive Diabetes Management includes guidelines for diagnosis and classification of diabetes and identification candidates for intensive management. This groundbreaking,...
New insulins and administration protocols, advanced carbohydrate counting, and emphasis on continuing patient education are all advances in diabetes treatment that have dramatically shifted potential outcomes in favor of the...
Featuring a recommended course of diagnosing and treating patients with type 1 diabetes A comprehensive resource for health care professionals that outlines the American Diabetes Association’s recommended course of diagnosing...
The most complete self-care guide available from the leaders in diabetes information The most up-to-date information on: • New Diabetes Drugs and Insulin • Achieving Blood Sugar Control •...
★15萬糖尿病病人及家屬信賴、長期追蹤的粉專「講糖」首度出書!集結有關血糖控制最重要內容,期盼人人解開糖尿困擾,擁抱健康! ★糖尿病學會常務理事╱杜思德、馬偕醫院營養師╱許碧惠、中國醫藥大學附設醫院糖尿病中心衛教師╱葉桂梅專文推薦 血糖之所以會飆升, 是因為你不知不覺吃下去的糖╱醣,比你想的還多! 有點餓又怕血糖飆,改來點玉米小充飢一下? 不能吃甜的,我吃鹹的蘇打餅總可以吧? 聽說吃苦瓜胜?降血糖,就不用吃藥了,是真的嗎? 害怕血糖飆升,早上改吃薏仁粉比較好? 皇帝豆、黑豆、豌豆、毛豆都是豆蛋魚肉類嗎? 老人家牙口不好,把水果打成果汁來喝吧? 糖尿病需要控制糖的分量,很多人因此戒斷甜食,以為自己吃得很健康,結果血糖還是大飆升!或是什麼都不敢吃或只吃一兩口,結果血糖太低造成暈眩。難道得了糖尿病,就表示你必須成為甜食、美食絕緣體嗎? 別讓糖尿病帶走生活中的甜味! 許多糖友會很注意甜食,卻沒發現有些鹹味食物吃起來不甜、卻會導致血糖飆升,讓之前的忌口辛勞功虧一簣。 事實上,「糖分與醣份」並不表示你不能吃甜食,也不表示鹹食一定沒問題,只要清楚每餐能攝取的醣量,偶爾來點甜食,也是OK的喔!本書傳遞控制血糖最正確的飲食知識,讓你吃得愉快,血糖又不會亂飆升。 想要血糖平穩?就從正確認識食物開始! 【好評推薦】 ˙「吃」往往是很多糖尿病患的痛處,但本書告訴病友們如何以簡單有效的飲食原則,時時對自己吃進肚子裡的食物提高警覺、加強分析判斷的能力。——林口長庚新陳代謝科醫師 林嘉鴻 ˙即便有飲食衛教工具,假如糖友沒有基礎的飲食概念,還是很難把完整的飲食建議傳授給病友。藉由書中對飲食控制深入淺出的了解,讓控糖得心應手。——大林慈濟醫院內分泌新陳代謝科主治醫師、營養治療科主任 陳品汎 ˙控制血糖說來簡單,做起來困難!面對時時刻刻的考驗,如果要找一本書讓您成為食物的穩糖達人,這本就是您的不二選擇。——陳宏麟診所院長 陳宏麟 ˙認識自己吃的食物種類與醣類份數,是糖友在控糖路上一定要學會的技巧,而本書就是本包含理想與實務的控糖工具書。——陳敏玲內科診所院長 陳敏玲 ˙熟讀這本書,足以擔任家庭朋友間的飲食小導師;力行這本書,除了各種營養都均衡到位!——曾競鋒診所院長、屏東縣醫師公會常務理事 曾競鋒 ˙這本書深入淺出,圖文並茂,對糖友及醫護人員皆是一本超實用且易上手的工具書,共同創造控糖雙贏。——彰化基督教醫院糖尿病個案管理中心副督導、中華民國糖尿病衛教學會理事 王惠芳 ˙臨床衛教多年,常聽到「血糖怎麼變高?明明我吃的都一樣!」期許這本書能幫助糖友們啟動飲食的意願和「選擇」,讓糖友有機會確實去做到正確飲食。——大林慈濟醫院糖尿病個案管理師...
Finally, there is a far more practical book on foot care for people with diabetes written especially for the non-specialist primary care provider. Contents include foot exams, risk classification, infection,...
Diabetes care has changed enormously in the past few years. Diagnostic criteria have changed and there is strong evidence for the benefits of vigorous treatment of high blood pressure, glucose,...