A richly documented study of the interrelation between religious reformation and territorial state-building in the German region of upper Franconia from the later Middle Ages through the Confessional era.
... auch andere gebott, die relgion betreffent, demselben einuerleiben, vnd publicieren lassen wöllen, welches doch ihre ger in bedacht, das mann durch dergleichen mandata nit allein wenig nutz oder andacht beimgemeinen mann shaffet, ...
In recent years, new approaches to the history of the Reformation of the Church have radically altered our understanding of that event within its broadest social and cultural context. In...
Stuttgart : W. Kohlhammer , 1899 . ... In Volker Press and Dieter Stievermann , eds . , Martin Luther . ... Locher , Gottfried W. " Grundzüge der Theologie Huldrych Zwinglis im Vergleich mit derjenigen Martin Luthers und Johannes ...
Oxford Bibliographies Online covers most subject disciplines within the social science and humanities, for more information visit www.oxfordbibliographies.com.
As a commentary on early liberalism and early capitalism, therefore, Hegel argued that neither private freedoms nor moral norms can be seen as prior or invariable elements of political freedom or as prior or invariable conditions of ...
Long before the Council of Trent, this book traces the origins of Catholic Reform to the very neighborhood of Wittenberg.
William Bradford Smith, Reformation and the German Territorial State (Rochester, NY, 2008), 4. See the discussions and literature in CC, 202–29; Schilling, Religion, Political Culture, and the Emergence of Early Modern Society, 247–301; ...
Fuhrmann, Rosi. “Glaube, Kirche und Recht – Ländliche Pfarreien im deutschen Spätmittelalter.” Tel Aviver Jahrbuch für deutsche Geschichte 22 (1993): 153–206. ———. Kirche und Dorf: Religiöse Bedürfnisse und kirchliche Stiftung auf dem ...
Examines the forty-year period between the publication of Martin Luther's ninety-five theses and the signing of the Treaty of Cateau-Cambresis by Spain, France, and the Holy Roman Empire
The present volume offers the papers of an international conference held in Trento from October 28 to 29, 2016 at the Istituto storico italo-germanico (ISIG).