Have you ever given your heart to someone who didn’t love you back? Do you feel like you’ve experienced heartache over and over again? If you are emotionally attached to someone, it’s easy to cross the line and become emotionally intimate. Then if the relationship doesn’t work out, you’re left with scars on your heart. The church teaches us the importance of physical purity; but it teaches little about emotional purity. Christian singles often wear their hearts on their sleeves, which can lead to intense, emotionally intimate, male-female “friendships” with no commitment to pursuing marriage. People may have had several of these “friendships” and still consider themselves pure, but in reality they have given away pieces of their hearts that should be reserved for their future spouses. Emotional Purity will show you how to define and set boundaries in your relationships to avoid making the same mistakes. Learn how to guard your heart and keep it emotionally pure. Using fictional and real-life examples along with sound biblical advice, author Heather Arnel Paulsen outlines the pitfalls of undefined relationships and presents guidelines for living an emotionally pure life.
In Critique of Modern Youth Ministry, Christopher Schlect examines why as a society we have this idea of “separation of generational influence.” Schlect writes, “Grandville Stanley Hall taught that each generation is, or should be, ...
Nothing Gray About It: Emotional Purity Before a Holy God presents our battle plan for applying the power of Proverbs 4:23: "Guard your heart, for it is the wellspring of life."
Like talking to a big sister who's gone before them, reading Eyes Wide Open will give young people the necessary keys for making decisions about purity, love, and romance.
The 5 Categories of Conversation introduced in this booklet give practical and easy-to-apply guidelines for interaction. The material guides us to fulfilling relationships that respect emotional boundaries and promote healthy interactions.
Through sound Bible scriptures/references and personal testimony, this book will to help you become the best Palace Keeper for your heart!
Pure Love deals openly, honestly, and biblically with these core issues of sexuality facing young people today: dating singleness modesty emotional purity pornography masturbation homosexuality Confident in the power of the gospel, Timon ...
This book, ideal for study with Every Woman’s Battle, is designed specifically for single women and will give you the tools you need to resist temptation and discover true fulfillment.
In a culture obsessed with dating, sex, and intimacy, the need for Elliot's freeing message is greater than ever. This beautifully repackaged edition will appeal to today's young people.
... emotional purity. Christians hear a lot about physical purity, but emotional purity is a vitally important piece of healthy relationships that we tend to miss. In Sex and the Soul of a Woman, Paula Rinehart writes, “It is a strange ...
... emotional cliff.” Michelle, thirty-one and an abstinence teacher, questions but ultimately accepts this truth. “I ... purity,” she said. “It's also emotional purity, your heart purity. That if you give a piece of your heart to someone ...