Damascus ranked as one of the superstars of the memorable era of horse racing in the late 1960s. He thrilled fans with his trademark sweeping move on the far turn and relentless stretch run that left his opponents floundering. Trained by the legendary Frank Whiteley and ridden regularly by Hall of Famer Bill Shoemaker, Damascus earned his place in history by defeating champions Dr. Fager and Buckpasser in the 1967 Woodward Stakes, known as the Race of the Century.
Rafik Schami's award-winning novel. In the classical Arab tradition of tale-telling, here is a magical book that celebrates the power of storytelling, delightfully transformed for modern sensibilities by an award-winning author.
Mirror to Damascus is a unique portrait of a city now obscured by recent upheavals, by one of the most indefatigable and popular of travel writers.
For those watching the headlines and wondering what led the nation to this point, and what might come next, this book is a perfect place to start developing a deeper understanding.
After Israel declares war on Iran, CIA operative David Shirazi infiltrates the Iranian regime and intercepts information indicating that two Iranian nuclear warheads have been moved to a secure and undisclosed location.
A riveting drama of the early church; a young caravan guard delivers messages among the new followers as he learns what it means to be a Christian.
Harrison ( 1972 ) Harrison , Richard , Martin , “ The Sculptural Decoration of the Church of St. Polyeuktos , ” Actas del VIII Congresso Internacional de Arqueologia Cristiana , Barcelona 5-11 Octubre 1969 , Vatican City / Barcelona ...
Complete with material and equipment requirements, safety precautions, practical tips, temperature charts, and examples of finished works, this book offers inspiration and the fundamentals of working in this ancient medium.
Remarkable contemporary account of early Crusades by one of Damascus' leading citizens covers events of 1097–1159. Based on both written and oral reports, colorful narrative relates every particular of life during wartime.
The august contributors to this volume examine the nature of Paul's Damascus Road experience and the impact of that experience on his thought and ministry, and explore how Paul's experience functions as a paradigm for Christian thought ...