A lyrical field guide to the natural world surrounding the eastern U.S.'s residential areas profiles a wide variety of plant, animal, and insect life, in a reference that offers insight into birdfeeder behaviors, woodpile ecology, and more. Reissue.
Offers information about the flowers, weeds, mosses, insects, amphibians, spiders, trees, and birds found in a typical yard, and describes its seasonal ecology
Covers more than 150 species of North American birds and includes nearly 300 full-color photos, 150 range maps and 500 additional illustrations, as well as tips on feeding, birdhouses and creating bird-friendly backyard landscapes.
Anyone who wants to improve his or her health in the same way that human-kind has done for centuries around the world, by using local wild plants and herbs, will find this book fascinating and useful.
Revised to make skywatching even easier for the whole family, this indispensable guide shines light on the night sky--truly one of the greatest shows on Earth!
In this edition, each of the Mid-Atlantic region’s 80 most popular bird species gets its own page, complete with a concise description, preferred habitat, feeding and migration habits, and tips for attracting them to your bird feeders.
Two closely related species, the forage looper (Caenurgina erechtea)2 and clover looper (C. crassiuscula), ... Both the hind and forewing are usually patterned similarly, and they may be held upright or flat to the sides of the body.
Discover Beautiful Nebulas, Constellations, Deep Sky Objects and More with Your Telescope David Dickinson, co-author of The Universe Today Ultimate Guide to Viewing the Cosmos, has created the ultimate field guide for backyard astronomers.
A Field Guide to Your Own Back Yard
Keep this guide close at hand for a quick analysis of the iridescent butterflies you see floating from flower to flower. You'll be pointing out Monarchs, Eastern Tiger Swallowtails, and Common Buckeyes before you know it.
Paralleling the human senses, the author explores the secret lives of various plants, from the colors they see to whether or not they really like classical music to their ability to sense nearby danger.