The standard by which all other Maine travel guides are judged—now completely revised and reenvisioned The best-selling and most trusted guide to Maine is back! Once again fully updated and revised, this 18th edition features a brand-new design with expanded sidebars, itineraries, and lush color photographs throughout. As always, authors Christina Tree and Nancy English offer the best, most up-to-date recommendations for food, lodging, recreation, shopping, events, and much more. Whether you’re a native New Englander or one of the thousands of visitors who flock to “Vacationland” every year, in Explorer’s Guide Maine you’ll find the most comprehensive and useful information to make your stay more enjoyable.
Once again fully updated and revised, this 18th edition features a brand-new design with expanded sidebars, itineraries, and lush color photographs throughout.
... 541 Baker Mountain Bikes, 432 Baker's Way, 188 Balance Rock Inn, 329 Baldface Circle Trail, 434 Bald Mountain, 445, 448 Bald Mountain.
DURHAM STATE FOREST Spruce Head Ferr y Ducktrap Mtn. + WARREN ISLAND ST PK Ducktrap Islesboro Dark Harbor S T P A R K S T Grindel Pt. Warren I. Pendleton Pt. Job I. 1 1 235 235 235 52 52 173 173 COBB RD SLAB CITY RD PR IE S T R D B ...
SWIMMING Jones Beach on Jones Pond in West Gouldsboro offers a family playground, swimming and picnic areas, changing rooms, and a boat launch. Take Recreation Rd. off Rt. 195 just south of Rt. 1. Along Rt. 183 there's Flanders Pond ...
Farnsworth Art Museum TURKEY POND BY ANDREW WYETH, 1944 MUSEUMS AND HISTORIC HOMES General Henry Knox Museum (Montpelier) (2073548062;, 30 High St., Thomaston. Guided tours Memorial Day–Columbus Day, Thu.– Fri.
The Swiss Army knife of guidebooks and the standard by which all other Maine travel guides are judged. This book is the standard that all other Maine travel guides are judged by.
Open for Dinner Only Clementine Restaurant (207-7219800;; 44 Maine St.) generally gets the best high-end reviews for its sophisticated menu and white-tablecloth ambience, while Henry & Marty (207-721-9141; ...
Whether readers are looking to soak up the sun at Old Orchard Beach, traverse the Appalachian Trail, or observe Porter Bridge over the Ossippee River, Explorer’s Guide Maine proves there is something for everyone at any time of year in ...
134 17 17 90 105 105 235 173 173 52 52 52 235 235 1 1 1 1 Islesboro I. Spruce Head Pendleton Pt. Warren I. Job I. Grindel Pt. Curtis I. F e r r y MILL ST M A I N R D HOWE HILL RD M T. PLEASANT Y O U N G T O W N R D R O C K V I L L E S ...
Whether a traveler is looking for that perfect traditional Maine sporting camp, an outfitter to guide a rafting trip, trailheads, artists colonies, historic homes, or museums, this most comprehensive guide to the state has the answers.