Excerpt: ...be marvelously modest touching on their own performances in the event of their surviving those most fatal blandishments. Pretty soon we told the Staff good night, according to the ritualistic Teutonic fashion, and took ourselves off to bed; for the next day was expected to be a full day, which it was indeed and verily. In the hotels of the town, such as they were, officers were billeted, four to the room and two to the bed; but the commandant enthroned at the Hotel de Ville looked after our comfort. He sent a soldier to nail a notice on the gate of one of the handsomest houses in Laon-a house whence the tenants had fled at the coming of the Germans-which notice gave warning to all whom it might concern that Captain Mannesmann, who carried the Kaiser's own pass, and four American Herren were, until further orders, domiciled there. And the soldier tarried to clean our boots while we slept and bring us warm shaving water in the morning. Being thus provided for we tramped away through the empty winding streets to Number Five, Rue St. Cyr, which was a big, fine three-story mansion with its own garden and courtyard. Arriving there we drew lots for bedrooms. It fell to me to occupy one that evidently belonged to the master of the house. He must have run away in a hurry. His bathrobe still hung on a peg; his other pair of suspenders dangled over the footboard; and his shaving brush, with dried lather on it, was on the floor. I stepped on it as I got into bed and hurt my foot. Goodness knows I was tired enough, but I lay awake a while thinking what changes in our journalistic fortunes thirty days had brought us. Five weeks before, bearing dangerously dubious credentials, we had trailed afoot-a suspicious squad-at the tail of the German columns, liable to be halted and locked up any minute by any fingerling of a sublieutenant who might be so minded to so serve us. In that stressful time a war correspondent was almost as popular, with the officialdom of...
... 103 , Tuscumbia , Ala . , 197 , 199 , 200 184 Starling , Lyne , 165 Valley Head , Ga . , 105 Steedman , James B. ... 107 , Williams , Alpheus S. , 60 , 61 , 63 , 76 108 , 110 , 120 , 121 , 145 , 146 , 149–151 , Wilson , James H.
This is a curated and comprehensive collection of the most important works covering matters related to national security, diplomacy, defense, war, strategy, and tactics.
This work has been selected by scholars as being culturally important, and is part of the knowledge base of civilization as we know it.
Moss and Hume , p . 352 . 34. The data are described in N. S. Ross , " Employment in Shipbuilding and ShipRepairing in Great Britain , " Journal of the Roval Statistical Society , Series A , 115 , 1952 , pp . 524-533 . 35.
But roughly at the same time as Samuel , a British engineer , W. D. Pearson , made the attempt . In 1901 Pearson — while building a railway along Mexico's east coast — espied standing pools of oil at Tampico , and this led him to seek ...
Military Misfortune by Eliot A. Cohen & John Gooch 296 pages , The Free Press New York , N.Y. , 1990. $ 22.95 ISBN 01-02-906060-5 Why do competent armies fail ? What explains these “ lost victories , ” as Field ...
He installed three 70 - pounders , a 150 - pounder . and a pair of 100 - pound Parrott rifled guns atop the Morro with a 250 - pound French Vavasseur and another four 70 - pounders at a lower battery . He also created two batteries on ...
U.S. Air Force Major Michael Donnelly was diagnosed with ALS, Lou Gehrig's Disease, after his tour of duty in Desert Storm.
257 ― Bergère MarieClaire, Bianco Lucien και Domes J., La Chine au ΧΧe siècle, 2 τόμοι, Παρίσι, Fayard, 19891990. 258 ― Bergère MarieClaire, Sun YatSen, Παρίσι, Fayard, 1994. 259 ― Bianco Lucien, Les Origines de la révolution chinoise, ...