Still enjoying her new found self-confidence, a thirteen-year-old sleuth in Portland, Oregon, tries to uncover a missing red diamond and gets herself mixed up with a crooked animal shelter worker and some very strange animals.
If only all the clues weren't pointing so close to someone she knows... Visit Bookseller Praise "I loved this book!. . . . This is the perfect mystery for girls who have just outgrown Nancy Drew.
We'd had leftover halibut (yuck!), which I'd snuck to Ned, praying to St. Francis of Assisi that there would be no bones. Did dogs choke on bones like people did? Through the window over the sink I saw Kevin fly up the driveway on his ...
Some others who might have been the brain trust behind the little Dutch girl, listed in no particular order: Maude E. Sutherland ofWestville, Nova Scotia; Chester Marhoff, employee of the Cudahy Packing Co. in Chicago; Horst Schreck, ...
No, I won't star in Mother Carey? Chickens. No, I don't want to talk to the reporter. No, I don't want to marry you, sign your picture, allow that stunt double to dive into the frigid lake when I am perfectly able to do it myself.
The Gospel According to Coco Chanel is a captivating, offbeat look at style, celebrity, and self-invention—all held together with Karbo’s droll Chanel-style commentary and culled from an examination of Chanel’s difficult childhood and ...
In Karen Karbo's new book, Julia Child Rules, she shares the universal themes we can all learn from the master of French cooking and shows us how to savor life.
Winner of the Pulitzer Prize “A masterwork . . . the novel astonishes with its inventiveness . . . it is nothing less than a grand comic fugue.”—The New York Times Book Review A Confederacy of Dunces is an American comic masterpiece.
Harry Potter and the Philosopher; Stone was written in Edinburgh cafés while she lived hand to mouth and cared for her baby. After she was finished, the manuscript was rejected a dozen times. People apparently thought the boarding ...
Meet Judy: an English Pointer and member of her Majesty's Royal Navy who served bravely alongside her crew during World War II. When her ship was sunk by the enemy, Judy became the only canine prisoner of war of the Japanese.
The search for the mysterious Minerva has led Emma to a secret room within Goldy Pond.