Medical-Surgical Nursing Made Incredibly Easy!, Second Edition, is a practical, informative reference in the entertaining, award-winning Incredibly Easy! style. This thoroughly updated edition covers hundreds of disorders and includes new chapters on end-of-life care and obesity, plus sixteen pages of full-color illustrations, sidebars on evidence-based practice pointers, and a patient resources appendix. Chapters feature key points summaries, light-hearted headings, and illustrations and are formatted to help readers find information easily. Quick-scan tables, flow charts, key terms, bullets, checklists, graphic logos, and cartoon characters highlight essential information. A bound-in CD-ROM contains over 300 NCLEX®-style questions, plus concept maps and other tools.
This reference book has been adapted for the UK and is for use during the medical-surgical nursing course and as a refresher for practicing nurses.
Jill French is from Monash University, Melbourne, Australia.
This is a handy reference book for use during the medical-surgical nursing course and as a refresher for practicing nurses.
This is ideal guidance for students, nurses new to clinical care, and those preparing for the Critical Care (CCRN) certification exam.
The new edition of Nursing Care Planning Made Incredibly Easy is the resource every student needs to master the art of care planning, including concept mapping.
Part of the award-winning Made Incredibly Easy! Series, this fun, practical guide addresses pediatric care and childhood disorders in light of each level of child development, with a family-involved care approach.
Written in the award-winning, lighthearted Incredibly Easy! style, this book is an excellent aid to understanding and retention of medical terminology.
Building on and strengthening the award-winning Incredibly Easy! Series® features, Surgical Care Made Incredibly Visual! offers an innovative visual approach to mastering perioperative nursing.
Get all the basics on drug therapies—and administer drugs confidently and accurately—with the newly updated Pharmacology Made Incredibly Easy, 4th Edition.
Offering practice questions written in NCLEX® exam format, this is the ideal support for nursing students and new nurses preparing for certification and the everyday challenges of the maternal-neonatal unit.