This study evaluated the available information on the use, occurrence and analysis of PhACs in US water sources. It selected PhACs that are likely to be present at detectable concentrations in municipal wastewater effluent and agricultural runoff then developed simple analytical methods for quantifying these PhACs. With this and the samples attained, preliminary assessment of the ability of wastewater treatment plants, engineered treatment wetlands and soil aquifer treatment systems to remove PhACs was determined and discussed. Since PhACs have been confirmed as present in drinking water sources, additional research is recommended.
With its comprehensive discussions, the book provides a wide depiction of the current state-of-the-art on these topics in an effort to open new sources of investigation and find suitable solutions.
Ova-pollution in the Potomac: Egg-bearing Male Bass and Implications for Human and Ecological Health : Hearing Before the Committee on...
The detection of pharmaceutical residues remained elusive until instruments such as liquid chromatography and mass spectrometry became commonplace in environmental laboratories.
... occurrence, contribution to urban wastewater, removal in a wastewater treatment plant, and environmental risk ... compounds (PhACs) removal in real wastewater. Case study of fungal treatment of reverse osmosis concentrate. J Hazard Mater ...
... analysis of pharmaceutical compounds in aqueous samples. J Chromatogr A 1117:150–158 Sedlak DL, Pinkston K, Huang CH (2005) Occurrence survey of pharmaceutically active compounds. Awwa Reserch Foundation, Denver, CO Martınez Bueno MJM ...
Following the success of the first edition, this pioneering study of pharmaceuticals in the environment has been updated and greatly extended.
... active compounds inthe environment, acase study:Höje RiverinSweden. Journal ... compounds remains unidentified. Water Research, 28,581–598. 143.Weigel,S.etal. (2002) Drugsandpersonal care products as ubiquitous pollutants: Occurrence ...
... Occurrence survey of pharmaceutically active compounds. American Water Works Association. Shevah, Y. (2014). Water scarcity, water reuse, and environmental safety. Pure and Applied Chemistry, 86(7), 1205–1214. Sruthy, S., & Ramasamy ...
... compounds. However, it is known that a transformation of organic pollutants may lead in some cases to compounds with ... active compounds such as antibiotics or hormones. Furthermore, long term toxicity studies are needed to assess the ...
... pharmaceutical pollutants from wastewater using biological approach . Bioresource Technology 224 : 1–12 . Tran , N.H. , Reinhard , M. , and Gin , K.Y.H. ( 2018 ) . Occurrence and fate of emerging contaminants in municipal wastewater ...