A treasure-trove of golden sayings and pearls of wisdom, mined from the righteous women of yesteryear and carefully passed down through the generations in exquisite Yiddish. Now available in a faithful English translation with the original Yiddish included, along with source material, metaphorical meaning, and relevant tales and anecdotes to illustrate the sayings. In reading this collection of expressions, some will make you laugh, others will bring on the tears, yet others will cause you to reflect, but the overall effect is an endearing, remarkable one. Breathe in the sparkling air of the 'alter heim'--the Old World--and find in it the refreshing insight that is so needed in the world of today.
... Stories amd Enchanted Tales about Rabbi Shlomo Carlebach by Yitta Halberstam Mandelbaum A special collection of stories about Reb Shlomo . 0-7657-5959-4 YITTA HALBERSTAM MANDELBAUM SHLOMO'S STORIES SHLOMORE BACH with SAXINAL SHLOMO'S ...
... The traveler lay down for an hour or two , but sleep eluded him . Finally he went to his host - whose identity he was not aware of- and asked , " How many hours until dawn ? " The Chozeh replied , " And how can you be so sure that a new day ...
The Garden of Yearning: A Wonderfully Inspiring Interpretation of Rebbe Nachman's Tale "The Lost Princess"