Rooted in centuries-old principles, the macrobiotic diet consists of simple yet highly nutritious foods such as whole grains, vegetables, and beans, selected and prepared in harmony with the seasons. From lightly sautéed spring greens and sea vegetables and refreshing summer salads, to harvest vegetables and hearty winter stews, The Changing Seasons Macrobiotic Cookbook provides hundreds of easy-to-follow and flavorful recipes for complete and balanced macrobiotic meals. A combination of great taste and whole foods, this is traditional macrobiotic cooking at its best.
Complete Guide to Macrobiotic Cooking: For Health, Harmony, and Peace
Whether you are a new or long-time follower of the macrobiotic lifestyle, Introducing Macrobiotic Cooking is the first place to turn for information about macrobiotics, recipes, and cooking techniques.
"Anyone watching his or her weight can profit by using these 150 recipes and 30 menus.... Foodstuffs blend old and new tastes, ...each recipe includes nutritional and exchange information."
Modern-Day Macrobiotics is both a cookbook and a practical guide to understanding and adopting a macrobiotic lifestyle.
The recipes and artistic photography in Mayumi's Kitchen are sure to make your mouth water and your lips quiver! This is whole food kitchen inspiration at its best." — Verne Varona, author, Macrobiotics for Dummies
Since its original publication, Macrobiotic Diet has become the bible for people interested in a healthy way of eating centered around whole, grains, fresh vegetables, and other whole, unprocessed foods.This...
"In Macrobiotics for All Seasons, the unique and modern approach to macrobiotic eating--which explores the philosophy of the five elements and Chinese medicine and explains the health benefits of eating a diet that changes with the seasons- ...
Based on the authors' decades-long experience as teachers, dietary counselors, and chefs, on scientific and medical studies documenting the health benefits of a vegan macrobiotic way of eating, and on other cutting-edge research on health, ...
Our best-selling cookbook, this excellent book clearly presents the procedures of preparing whole grains and fresh vegetables. It is useful for anyone interested in greater health through cooking.
Love, Sanae: Healing Vegan Macrobiotic Cooking, My Healing Journey