An eye-opening guide to the world’s best parenting strategies Research reveals that American kids lag behind in academic achievement, happiness, and wellness. Christine Gross-Loh exposes culturally determined norms we have about “good parenting,” and asks, Are there parenting strategies other countries are getting right that we are not? This book takes us across the globe and examines how parents successfully foster resilience, creativity, independence, and academic excellence in their children. Illuminating the surprising ways in which culture shapes our parenting practices, Gross-Loh offers objective, research-based insight such as: Co-sleeping may promote independence in kids. “Hoverparenting” can damage a child’s resilience. Finnish children, who rank among the highest academic achievers, enjoy multiple recesses a day. Our obsession with self-esteem may limit a child’s potential.
Madianou, M. (2012) Migration and the accentuated ambivalence of motherhood: The role of ICTs in Filipino transnational families. Global Networks 12(3): 277–295. ... Maxwell, J. A. (2005). Qualitative Research Design: An Interactive ...
Based on her personal experience and the stories of trailblazing women from around the world and in diverse industries, author Chinwe Esimai shares five indispensable traits that make an ocean of difference between immigrants who live as ...
In Growing Up Global, Tavangar shares with all of us her “parenting toolbox” to help give our children a vital global perspective.
Adoption Beyond Borders integrates evidence from a range of disciplines in the social and biological sciences-- including psychology, neuroscience, evolutionary biology, sociology, anthropology, and social work -- to provide a ringing ...
Her answer seems to be that this is not only possible, but essential. This story shows how.
Probing the experiences of migrant parents, children in Mexico, and their caregivers, Joanna Dreby offers an up-close and personal account of the lives of families divided by borders.
In fact, after the book was finished, they joyfully welcomed a new baby into their home, Benjamin, through adoption, making them now a family of ten! Love Without Borders shares Angela's relatable, humorous, and honest view of motherhood.
Through these stories, she opens a window to a world of parenting unique to multicultural families.
Children and Youth Services Review, 35, 1050– 1054; see also Hartinger-Saunders, R. M., Trouteaud, A., & Matos-Johnson, J. (2014). Post adoption service need and use as predictors of adoption dissolution: Findings from the 2012 National ...
Readers familiar with Delisle’s stranger-in-a-strange-land technique for storytelling (employed in Jerusalem, Pyongyang, Burma Chronicles, and Shenzhen) will recognize the titular parent in this book; Delisle’s travelogues were ...